MY right in YOUR property?: wht is easementary right
MY right on YOUR property? What is easementary right? I might have an easementary right over your property, that is I can stop you from using your land as per your wish . I got you there right?, chill easementary right is not the blessing for goons , it is a right that can be acquired by the owner of an immovable property for the beneficial enjoyment of which the right is created, or on his behalf, by any person in possession of the same. One of the two or more co- owners of the immovable property can also, as such with or without the consent of other or others , acquire an easement over some other property for the beneficial enjoyment of the jointly owned property. Don’t worry; you might also have easementary rights over someone else’s property. So, let’s understand what easementary rights are, how they can be acquired, and how they can be nullified. 1. Easementary Right: As defined under The Indian Easements Act 1882, Section 4: “An easement is a right which the owner or occupier of ...